But just to share with friends and as a reference in case there among you who has an interest in my personal website provided the following list of information the Web Hostings in Indonesia which, according to several sources got a good service. Actually there are many Web Hostings which has a similar service but because of the limitations of my knowledge, only 10 Web Hostings that I will inform to you. Following list:
1. www.a3plusmedia.net
2. www.abrarhost.com
3. www.adiraweb.com
4. www.ahlihosting.com
5. www.akselerasi.com
6. www.aksimedia.com
7. www.allnetspace.com/
8. www.amazehosting.com
9. www.amperaweb.com
10. www.ampmhosting.com
Hope can be a comparison for those of you who intend to have a personal website. Regard
1 komentar:
wow... info yang mantab, mas. layak direkomendasikan buat temen2 bloger yang butuh web hosting nih.
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