As a follow-up the previous article about yahoo domain Knowing and hosting, then this article will examine some of the tips to buy domain. At first glance, buying a domain name is something that might be considered trivial. This assumption may be true, but if you are not careful in buying the domain, then it might be a serious problem in the future, because a domain is like a trademark that was famous when his name would be something very valuable to the secure , do not let these precious things you can not control when it is yours.
Here's what if I consider important in buying a domain name:
* Buy Domain At Trusted Places
Purchase a trusted domain in place. If you find a site that sells domain name, find information about the website, do not easily tempted by a very low price. To search for such information, at least you can find information through search engines like google, or you ask your friends to your bloggers.
* Customer Service Clear
Make sure that where you buy the domain has a customer service that is easy to contact, if possible find that the support for up to 24 hours,
* Access Control to the Domain All purchased
In fact this point I wish to emphasize that control access to your domain. Before you buy a domain, make sure that later you can log in to access your domain control, because of the access control this domain name you will choose the desired settings. For example, you can change the Name Server, so you are free to the point where.
Here's what if I consider important in buying a domain name:
* Buy Domain At Trusted Places
Purchase a trusted domain in place. If you find a site that sells domain name, find information about the website, do not easily tempted by a very low price. To search for such information, at least you can find information through search engines like google, or you ask your friends to your bloggers.
* Customer Service Clear
Make sure that where you buy the domain has a customer service that is easy to contact, if possible find that the support for up to 24 hours,
* Access Control to the Domain All purchased
In fact this point I wish to emphasize that control access to your domain. Before you buy a domain, make sure that later you can log in to access your domain control, because of the access control this domain name you will choose the desired settings. For example, you can change the Name Server, so you are free to the point where.
4 komentar:
nice site you got here.. thanks for the EC drops! see u again!
@ caloy, thanks for visit my site....
domain is very important for internet marketing. thanks for tips.. keep blogging friend.
@ ZoomProfit, because the domain is vital to the survival of a website.
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