Google adsense

Google adsenseAdSense is a cooperative advertising program via internet Google. Organized by the AdSense advertising program, the owner of the website or blog that has been registered and approved for membership may install a form of ad units and the material has been determined by Google are at the web or blog.

The owner of the website or blog (Peblisher) will earn a share of profits from Google for each click the ad on the site by visitors, which is known as Pay Per Click (PPC) or pay-per-click. In addition to providing ads with pay-per-click system, also provides a Google AdSense for search AdSense (AdSense For Seach) and referral ads (Referral). In the AdSense for search, web site owners can install the Google search boxes are at their website.

The site owner will get revenue from Google for every search made by visitors through the search box, which continues to click on ads that are included in the search results.

On referral ads, site owners will receive an income after click on the ad continues with specific actions by visitors who have been agreed between Google and advertisers.

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